Saturday, October 29, 2011

How Many Old Bats Do You See in this Post?

watering the veggiesCaption Contest, anyone?                h/t UnSkinnyMinnie

Some of the news that Lady M made last week really didn’t get the kind of coverage it deserved, so I’ll try to rectify that today. For instance, this comment that she first made at Tuesday’s pre-Chicago stop-over in Detroit:

“And let us not forget what it meant when my husband appointed two brilliant Supreme Court justices — and for the first time in history, our daughters and sons watched three women take their seats on our nation’s highest court,” Mrs. Obama said on Tuesday at the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel in Detroit, Michigan. “But, more importantly, let us not forget the impact of their decisions, the impact that will have on our lives for decades to come — on our privacy and security, on whether we can speak freely, worship openly, and love whomever we choose. That is what is at stake here.”

mcbeths witchesHalloween Party at the Supreme Court. Why am I thinking Macbeth?

Awesome - “and love whomever we choose”! Imagine what this country might have been like had someone had the foresight to appoint two such brilliant (and empathetic) Supremes a generation ago:

bo and kang

Then in Fort Lauderdale, after a grueling 2 days on the campaign trail of promoting the military (jobs in community centers?) and Fat Kids’ Behinds (mushrooms in the mist?), Lady M was exhausted and kicked off her shoes, (metaphorically speaking) let her hair down (euphemistically speaking) and went off-prompter (syntactically speaking):

"I am just thrilled –- this has been a great day," the first lady told supporters in Ft. Lauderdale. "This is my third city in one day. And I go home tonight and Barack and I get up and go to parent-teacher conference tomorrow morning." "Just so you know," she said. "Just handling our business."

"She is amazing," the first lady said of Wasserman Schultz. "And she has a brilliant family, too, they’re in the back. She almost didn’t come out because we were swapping stories about daughters in high heels." "I love you to death, Debbie," Michelle Obama said. "Thank you, firing it up."

So there you have it: just keepin’ it real! I love you to death! Fire up! Are you with me?

dws buggyBuggy-eyed curly-top Debbie. Lady M’s taste is somewhat eclectic.

I sure hope Lady M gets a chance to rest this weekend, because she’s just exhausted and it may be starting to show.angry michelle

Oh, and I nearly forgot! Big Guy had dinner with the “Win Dinner with the Won” contest that we ran for the second fundraising quarter:

dinner with bo Not much to eat or drink, butt a lot of scintillating conversation

You won’t believe this, butt the 4 lucky winners just happened to come from 4 states critical to our re-election bid (Arizona, Colorado, Indiana and Minnesota). The demographics were just about perfect for our purposes too: 2 women, (1 Hispanic) and 2 white guys. I guess we’re taking the Black vote for granted; I’m sure we’ll hear about that next week. Anyway, we had two oldsters (retired teachers), 1 mid-ster (small business owner) and 1 youngster (postal worker). So that was fun!

Unfortunately, Joey B couldn’t make it, Big Guy sent him to some sort of funeral in Saudi Arabia. No word on the food, butt Lady M recommended the restaurant – Liberty Tavern – so I’m sure the quality was excellent and the servings ample. Big Guy did pick up the tab, as promised, and he even  tweeted this blurry picture out to all the losers after the hour long dinner:

Anyway, I’ve got to run. I’ve got a thousand things to do before tonight’s big Halloween party. In addition to everything else, this year I’m in charge of packing up those pesky Presidential M&M’s and they don’t like hanging around with the raisins. I don’t know, it could be a racist thing. All I know is I have to round them up and stick them all in baggies. I know Big Guy told Jay Leno that there would be no healthy treats this year, butt you know how Lady M is: eat as I say, not as I do. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

Screenshot Studio capture #314

In the mean time, those of you who were wondering the other day what became of Lady M’s big black bat that she use to wear on her upholstered frock, don’t worry: it’s still in the power rotation. In fact we wore it just a week ago – with sparkles:

         black bat2 black bat not mo

So we’re all good here.

And just to remind you of what Halloween is like around the Big White and get you prepared for tonight’s Trick-or-Treating, here’s a little teaser from Granny Jan & Jihad Kitty: