Monday, September 10, 2012

iHope This Thingamajig Works! Because, iWon!


obama symbol in javascriptHope ‘N Change in Javascript

Remember our first digital, social media and tech savvy Preezy? The one who held Facebook and Google Hangout town hall meetings, a Reddit “AMA” (ask me anything) forum and is a frequent user of Twitter (remember when he “adorably” referred to it as “Twitters”  in what can only be called a “W” moment?), YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and email blasts? And need I mention that this historical president was the first ever to appoint a federal technology officer?

Well then, this is embarrassing; even though BO has “his own iPhone” it appears that he still relies on his so-last-century “Black-Barry” for day-to-day communications and may not be so tech-savvy when it comes to the oh-so-trendy iPhone.  Yesterday in Port St. Lucy Florida he tried to call a couple of campaign volunteers on his “personal” iPhone.  Let’s just say it didn’t go very well.

"I just want to point out, this volunteering is not as easy as it looks."

Yeah, tell us about it. It’s not like community organizing.

And now the enemy camp is trying to capitalize (isn’t that just like the Republicans?) on Big Guy’s awkward technology lapse:

iHOPE iPhone

Fortunately for BO, the rest of yesterday’s campaign trip went much better, where he found love in all the old familiar places:

obama-bear-hugDoes this pizza shop owner make me look like a light weight?

Although I suppose some will take this as a bad sign too. It wasn’t that long ago that Big Guy was sweeping the electorate off their feet, not the other way around.

And I know you’ve seen Joey “on-the-road-again” Biden:

joe-biden-biker chick

schmoozing with the biker chick and the two hostages. Cuz he’s just one of the blue collar guys. I don’t know for sure what those guys are thinking, butt I don’t think Joey has anything to worry about; although it might be tempting to think about taking him out of circulation for a while, nobody’s seriously thinking about holding him hostage. Can you say “The Ransom of Red Chief?” - enough said.

Other news from around Man’s Country (I don’t want to use that racist term, “Chicago”): their teachers are going on strike today. C-word Teachers Union President Karen Lewis explained why the strike was unavoidable:

“We’re not far apart on compensation, however we are apart on benefits. We want to maintain the existing health benefits…”

I don’t see why that’s even an issue; Big Guy said “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” Didn’t Rhambo get the memo?

Screenshot Studio capture #583The red shirts take to the streets in C-word, Illinois

Oh well, anything’s better than talking about that 3 letter word, jobs, jobs, jobs!

Butt don’t worry about that either because we’ve got a plan: We’re setting a goal! (Goals are important: it’s the first thing you learn in rehab.)  Our goal is to add 1 million additional manufacturing jobs within the next 4 years! And according to Big Guy’s plan, all of those jobs, jobs, jobs! will produce products “Stamped with 3 proud words… made in the USA!”

Now do you see how important those teachers?


karen_lewis_090912_AP269941900673_620x350Will Rahm pay the ransom of the Red’s Chief?

Linked By: MRM on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!