This is no joke, “Bitchy Resting Face” is a debilitating disease that can attack women of any age and can result in her looking “thoughtfully sad or angry for no reason.”
Here’s the PSA describing this most serious affliction modern women “face”:I think you’ll agree with my diagnosis that Lady M is suffering from this disorder.
The cause of the affliction is unknown, butt researchers think that several factors contribute to it including the following:
The company you keep:
Un-earned honors received:
The company you keep:
Bad hair days (and pearls):
The company you keep:
Really bad hair days (and the company you keep):
Bad hair days (and Aunt Esther frocks):
Badly tailored suits (and pearls):
Gardening that’s a little too organic:
oh yes, and the company that you keep:
Butt Lady M doesn’t suffer from the simple, mundane form of Bitchy Resting Face; as is her fashion, she has taken the pathology to a new level - Restless Bitchy Resting Face Syndrome:
Anyway you look at it, it’s a bitch.
Help us fight this horrible disease by making a 501(c)4 tax exempt contribution to Organizing For America of just $5 or more today. Only you can prevent BRF, because I just found out it’s not covered by Obamacare.
Oh really? We’ll see about that. The Republicans are not going to get away with this war on women with BRF. Trust me on that.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Clarice Feldman, Linda Nelson Hurry, Jeffrey C Marienthal, Janet Moorhead,Donald P Domke on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network