Before we can move on to a new “This Week in History” I must add an important update to last week’s summary. Due to a critical oversight on my part, I failed to report perhaps the singularly most historical event of all that also occurred on June 6: the day America’s newspaper of record broke ranks. Yes, you read that right: the day the New York Times got off the Big Black Obama express2.
The NYT editor files a formal editorial complaint
Apparently unmoved by swirling controversy around the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ, EPA, DOA, ATF, HHS, GSA, and even the AP scandals, the NYT editorial board was finally shaken to its core by the chilling revelations about the NSA data mining operation. Apparently Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. wasn’t buying the story that the terrorists win if we can’t spy on our own citizens. Either that, or Pinchy has some calls to bordellos and bath houses that he doesn’t wish the FBI to reveal; because after all, if it can happen to Elliot Spitzer, it can happen to anyone.
“Spitzer announced on March 12, 2008 that he would resign his post as Governor effective noon on March 17 amid threats of his impeachment by state lawmakers.
By resigning, Spitzer lost his status as a superdelegate in the 2008 Democratic nomination for President, depriving Hillary Clinton whom he supported, of a superdelegate vote.,[ed.!!!!- I’m shocked, I tell, SHOCKED!] ”
Elliot discovers Chicago rules: better red than dead.
Sure, I know, the editors walked it back a bit after they got one of those infamous hour long rant-calls from “an unnamed Administration representative” to set the record straight:
“Can you hear me NOW, cockroaches?”
They softened their original opinion from “the administration has now lost all credibility” to “the administration has now lost all credibility on this issue.” Still, they left the really stinging part about
“Mr. Obama is proving the truism that the executive will use any power it is given and very likely abuse it.”
Ouch! When the NYT speaks the truth, you know it’s trouble.
So I’m sticking with my initial assessment: the NYT has dismounted the Obama-mobile, for now.
After years of burying the lede, NYT editors finally discover the decayed body and removed it from the Obama-mobile
This is indeed worrisome. If we’ve lost the far left wing of the NYT, who’s next, Ms.NBC?
Up till just a few weeks ago there was standing room only on our Obama-mobile; now I understand we may even be looking for a new driver.
Beep-beep! Approaching the hanger at 12 o’clock!
Damn! I would’ve sworn this sucker could’ve sailed right through!
Anyway, I only bring this up because of my motto: “all the news that fits, I print.” And don’t you worry; we still haven’t lost the rest of the gang over at the NYT:
Tom, Paul, Maureen and Gail are still along for the ride; and a sweet ride it is!
Be sure to tune in next week when we see who else might be vamoosing the bus.
The “Vamoose Conundrum”1 express is now leaving the station. All aboard!
1Vamoose Conundrum® was named after the logic fallacy that Lady M invented: “listen to me or you can take the mic, but I’m leaving” in which you get two choices, but one is rendered immediately non-viable. In the immediate case, Big Guy’s Vamoose Conundrum goes like this: “choose liberty, or national security, but as long as I’m here you get drones and spybots.”
2For more on the Big Black Bus see:
Linked By: iOwnTheWorld’s Cardigan, and Michael Williams on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network