Today’s reflection:
By all reports Hillary’s book tour was a disaster and her book is a bomb!
Duck! Incoming!! And it’s not friendly fire this time!
Can you believe it? Maybe if there had been something new and different in her book “Hard Choices” – like the truth – it would have been more compelling.
For example, if she had told us about the CIA’s Stinger missiles arms deal with Syrian “rebel” forces (i.e. terrorists) and why that ultimately led to the death of Ambassador Stevens, now that might have sold a few books. And if she had explained how the Syrian “rebel” forces in Syria gave some of those missiles to the Iraqi “rebel” forces (i.e. terrorists) – now that could have been a blockbuster!
Instead she just ducked and covered old ground, where, you know, the science is settled:
Clinton responded: “They are trying constantly to, you know, raise false canards, you know, plant, you know, false information, and that’s what they do.”
“Yeah, Karl Rove tried that with my health and got totally, you know, shot down. I am so used to these people. They’re like a bunch of, you know, gamers,” said Clinton.
Sounds like Hill (the smartest woman in the world) is vying for the Caroline Kennedy/Lady M non-fluency record. Butt hey - Hills got a $14 million advance for her book whereas I’m reusing my tea bags, so who am I to question her “Hard Choices?” Besides if she’s that rich, she must be smart, right?
“I mean, “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.” Right?
Linked By: @JeffersonTeaPar, @Standlow, @hostagenurse, @dchrist81, @anniemae1000 on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted and Featured on Patriot Action Network