Monday, June 16, 2014

Oh what the heck, let’s just bunt it.

Today’s reflection is brought to you via Roger Simon: America, The Headless Horseman.


He gives a brief update on new and existing scandals:

…the Benghazi terrorists using State Department cell phones (!), a crusade of Hispanic children pouring over our Southern border in the company of cartel drug lords and, of course, the suddenly “missing” IRS emails of Lois Lerner — the Obama administration has reached  levels of hitherto unknown incompetence.

Relays a criticism leveled at our vacationing Commander in Chief:

Today, on Twitter, a veteran named J. R. Salzman tweeted: “I did not get an arm blown off in Baghdad so you could sit on your ass and watch Iraq fall, @BarackObama. I did my job. DO YOUR JOB.”

And notes that:

This is a moment when we need a Churchill and what we have is the man who sent Churchill’s bust home — a nowhere man whose only demonstrable skill is fund-raising.

I wonder if any of this accounts for the fact that the President’s own party can’t even produce an accurate facsimile of an American flag?

dems idea of a flag

Cute kid butt slight problem: that’s not actually a flag, it’s bunting. Boy, if that’s not an excellent metaphor for Big Guy’s foreign policy; probably due to a checked swing though, not an actual bunt.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @Standlow, @carla_nor, @ZillaStevenson, @dchrist81, @FarNorthDallasT, @JeffersonTeaPar on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted and Featured on Patriot Action Network