Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Donald Does Detroit: Let’s Make It Great Again!

The Donald was in Detroit yesterday, to speak at Great Faith Ministries International Church and to be interviewed by the church’s pastor, Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, for a television program on his African-American Christian cable channel, the Impact Network.

Predictably, community, religious and labor activist protestors showed up to protest.

Predictably, Detroit’s (Democrat) Mayor criticized Mr. Trump, saying "this is the most phony major party nominee that I've seen in my lifetime.

president-barack-obama-hillary-clinton-072716-ap-bReally, Mr. Duggan?

For his part, Mr. Trump danced with the celebrants and sounded, well, presidential, when he addressed the congregation. Referencing disparities in education, employment and public safety he said “I fully understand the African-American community has suffered from discrimination,” and promised to bring prosperity to lower-income Americans. What a concept.

So, Detroit, you might want to consider leaving the Democrat plantation this time around.

detorit montage

Because seriously, what have you got to lose?

Arnold Nursing Home, 7 Mile Road; photograph by Andrew Moore from <i>Detroit Disassembled</i>, just published by Damiani and the Akron Art Museum. For a slide show of Moore’s photographs, see the NYR blog,

And I doubt you can count on the Democrats to bring God back to Detroit. There won’t be any room after they bring all the Syrian immigrants in to make Detroit great again. And it’s the wrong god.

make detoit great again

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network