Monday, June 28, 2010

Anarchy and Harmony

As we closed out the G8/20, I think it goes without saying that Lady M was the star attraction here, a designation only enhanced by her late arrival. Her only real competition was from the anarchists. Probably because they showed up earlier, they got way more photo-ops than even Lady M. Although this is quite understandable: MO didn’t perform any hand-stands or pyrotechnics, this time.

pyro-maniac Burning Toronto police car and multi-talented pyromaniac

But on Sunday Lady M was far from that madding crowd: at lunch, high atop the CN Tower. At that height all the peaceful protestors looked like ants on fire. FLOC Laureen Harper hosted a "Women of Distinction" luncheon. At first Lady M thought it was in her honor, but as it turned out Laureen wanted the G8/20 spouses to meet with 10 Canadian women of distinction. Who could have imagined there were 10 of them! In addition to enjoying the excellent Canadian repast, Lady M got a chance to practice for her upcoming December Vogue cover shoot.

joannie rochette Lady M practicing her best  Magazine Cover “hugs!” pose with Joannie Rochette

Honestly, I don’t think MO has ever even met Canadian Olympic Ice Skating medalist Joannie Rochette before. But look! See how comfortable Lady M looks posing as her BFF? Joannie, not so much. But then, she’s a professional skater, not a World-Famous Fashion Icon and Busy Mom™

cover_full barack-michelle2 This is considered a classic mag cover huggy pose

You might say Lady M is a natural poseur. Here’s another woman at the G8/20 who might deserve this designation.  

maybe this explains it

In other G8/20 news, the world leaders agreed to set a goal for reducing national deficits one third by the year 2013. And as we’ve all learned in rehab: goals are important.

Here’s my takeaway: If the Tea Party really wants to get more attention for their cause, they should take some “angry mob” lessons from the G20 “protestors.” Compare and contrast: 

cop cars How G20 mob demonstrate their anger

  angry tea partyHow Tea Partiers demonstrate their anger

toronto goons Angry G20 mob

1-marchAngry Tea Party mob

teaparty-protest…and mob-stets

toronto looter Angry G20 protestor, looting cell phone store

angry tea guyAngry Tea Party guy on the street tired of Washington looters

I’ll report, you decide. See you all back at the Big White.