Saturday, September 18, 2010

Take Our Constitution to Work Day

Yesterday, as I’m sure you know, was Constitution Day. In honor of the event, Lady M and Big Guy launched a new initiative: “Take Our Constitution to Work Day.”

It’s patterned after the hugely successful “Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work®” program whose objective, taken right off their official website, is: create an enriching educational experience for our nation’s daughters and sons. For over 16 years, individuals, families, organizations, and workplaces have joined in the Day to expand opportunities and transform the lives of millions of girls and boys both nationally and internationally.

In keeping with this theme, the O’s objective for “Take Our Constitution to Work Day” is “to create an enriching educational experience for our nation’s daughters and sons (no matter where they were born), by expanding the Constitution’s opportunities to everyone – citizen and non-citizen alike, no matter how they got here. And furthermore, to transform the Constitution to be inclusive of all laws - not just those written by our Congress (including, but  not limited to, Sharia law).”

Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® posterchild work day“This is the dark side, son. Welcome to my world.”

gibbsy and son Robert Gibbs and son celebrating last year’s “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day”


In honor of the special day, Big Guy wanted to slip a copy of the Constitution into his props before announcing the special appointment  of his comrade from Harvard, Elizabeth Warren, as special commissar to the newly-minted U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Agency.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t locate a copy of the Constitution anywhere in the Big White so Fancy Nancy’s staff sent over a copy they had, with all of the dangerous parts highlighted in pink.

Announcing Elizabeth’s appointment today was part of BO’s plan to demonstrate his more humorous side that we seldom get to see on display around here anymore – due to the number of situations that require him to speak sternly to the reprobates who just don’t get it yet ( Republicans, bitter clingers and stupid cops). I think this ironic side of Big Guy’s nature will play well to Hollywood - in case he needs to find a new gig in a couple of years.

Anyway, Liz will be reporting, jointly, to Big Guy and little guy -Timmy the Turbo-Taxman. That way we’re guaranteed that the Constitution can take a rest until next year.

warren aptConstitution Day contest: find the Constitutional Constructionist in this picture ( hint: it’s a trick question)

In order to celebrate, and give the Commerce Clause a well-deserved day of rest, MO suspended her plans for lecturing Restaurant owners on how much salt, fat and sugar they’re allowed to use in your favorite dishes.

hold the fat I said hold the fat!

Lady M’s staff also developed some lesson plans for teachers to use in order to instruct the children on the significance of National Take Our Constitution to Work Day. Intended to create awareness about the Constitution  and Founding Fathers,the lesson plans include a series of  Constitutional games that are both fun and educational:

  1. How many human rights violations can you spot in the the constitution?
  2. If the constitution was still relevant today, would you friend it on facebook? Explain.
  3. What basic human rights did the constitution forget to include? Hint: This video will explain all you need to know.
  4. Which clause in the Constitution as originally written is most out of date? Explain.
  5. If Thomas Jefferson were alive today, what hip-hop artists would he have on his iPod? Explore.
  6. Since we know that the Constitution is a living document, if it could talk, what would it say in support of Obamacare? Hint: look for the answer in the Commerce Clause.

At the end of the workday, MO and BO convened with key staffers for what has become our traditional Big White wrap-up for tough days; cocktails, snacks and adult parlor games. Yesterday’s games included “Name the funniest part of the Constitution” (the 10th Amendment won, after Big Guy eliminated Article 2, section 1, paragraph 5 from contention – he’s thin skinned that way); and “What’s the funniest thing they left out of the Constitution?” This one’s an oldie, but it always gets a good belly laugh from the staff, especially Toes:

best political cartoon-Dan Collins-croppedCLEANED cartoon by Dan Collins

Tonight: more wining, dining and dancing. Please, God, don’t let Lady M wear another rubber dress.