Friday, November 11, 2011

Plan to Save the Country: Soldiers optional. Ditto, tools, books, magazines and property reviews (?).

I would like to begin today by saluting all of our brave men and women who are or ever have served in our Armed Forces. You make me – and millions like me - proud to be an American. My sincerest thanks for your brave service.




And Lady M says she’s proud to be an American too, even if it did take her awhile. So now she’s, like, all about supporting the military. Take yesterday for example: her keynote address to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Business Steps Up: Hiring our Heroes event.

Chamber of Commerce fourth annual event on hiring military veterans,2

“Today, America’s businesses have stepped forward with pledges to hire 100,000 veterans and military spouses by 2014.  That’s right:  100,000.  (Applause.)  That’s 100,000 jobs.  That’s 100,000 veterans and spouses who will have the security of a paycheck and a good career.  That’s thousands of families that can rest just a little bit easier every night.”

Wow! That’s great! I think that’s more jobs than Big Guy has created or saved in 3 1/2 years. Let’s hear it for Lady M! And a small nod for the Chamber’s members too, who will be creating those job opportunities. Assuming they don’t go bankrupt before they get a chance to do so.

BTW, this is Lady M’s “commerce” frock. She first wore it way back in January of 2010 (remember those heady days?) when she dropped by the Department of Commerce to raise employee morale. She hasn’t worn it much since then because it had grown a bit snug until our “Are You In” WTF 2012 re-election starvation diet kicked in. That, and the fact Lady M finds the buttons, biased to the right, disorienting.

amayors2Department of Commerce, 2010

Also, I thought you would want to know about this week’s second test of the Government Emergency System: the emergency debt reduction plan. This one’s posted on our very own Big White site, under “The President’s Save Award.”

“What is that MOTUS?”  I’m glad you asked. It’s our save-the-country plan where Government by Executive Fiat meets government by (liberal) consensus:

Screenshot Studio capture #319

Rick Perry had a few good ideas on how the government could do its job better for less money at the debate the other night, butt he could only remember 2 of them. One that he did remember was “eliminate the Commerce Department.” WaPo contacted Commerce to see how they felt about their elimination being a “good idea how government could save money.” They could not immediately be reached for comment since most of the department officials were en route to Hawaii for the APEC summit. (We’re going too! I love Hawaii! And I never once got to go there under any previous administration because approval for travel use to be way harder to get.)

Butt back to Big Guy’s big idea for big ideas. Since the Congressional Super Committee tasked with finding $1.2 trillion in deficit reductions doesn’t seem to be going very well, and because

Screenshot Studio capture #322

Big Guy got his staff busy collecting good ideas for reducing the $14.5 trillion so he can do it himself. Because We Can’t Wait! Here’s what we’ve come up with so far (you get to choose! How transparent it that?):

cast your vote

only vote onceClick to embiggen and vote

So, on this 2011 Veterans Day, don’t forget to do your part: vote today for your favorite idea on how to help Big Guy cut our $14.5 trillion deficit so that we don’t have to gut our military as mandated by the brilliant bipartisan cop-out statute of August, 2011.

Unfortunately it appears - unlike all previous national lotteries – you’re only allowed to vote once. So choose wisely, weed hopper! I’m not trying to influence your vote, butt I just wanted to tell you that I voted for “creating a NASA tool lending library” because it’s getting harder and harder now to get appointments and spare parts when I need a tune-up. I’m thinking this might make it easier for me to “DIY”. Butt that’s just me: you should all vote your own conscience and/or self interest.

Sorry I wasn’t able to give you any heads up on the suspension of “Chicago Rules” for this vote. I came out of the blue. Probably a rookie on staff.

only vote onceI didn’t even see that one coming.



dis dress


BERLISCONI BIG Silvio, unemployed now, heard there may be an opening for a new ‘Body Man’

H/T Theo Spark Caption Contest by way of Fausta

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal,Thanks!