Breitbart is currently running a story in which Joel Pollack claims that Romney is currently filling the role of a “scape-president:”
In effect, "President" Romney has been in office since mid-August, with none of the power but all of the responsibility.
Which is really nothing other than proof of it's corollary:
In effect, “President” Obama has been in office since January 2009, with all of the power butt none of the responsibility.
Sometimes a good scapegoat is better than your bad solution.
This is a brilliant strategy from Big Guy’s Big Brains. Here’s a partial list (so far) of things the real incumbent is not responsible for, on account of it was all Bush’s fault:
This is your life, Big Guy! Can I get you a pillow?
- The Economy; including:
- The deficit; including
- First ever downgrading of U.S. credit rating
- Taxmegeddon
- Fast and Furious
- Solyndra, et al
- Any and all wars, including the new ones
- Revitamization of al Qaeda (see video below)
- Benghazigate
- Joe Biden’s gaffes
- is own gaffes
- etc., etc.
And, according to the rule of corollaries, if you’re not responsible, that means that your scapegoat IS. And now that the Republicans have an official presidential candidate, the torch has been passed.
So it looks like we’ve got everything back on track to WTF (“Win The Future,” in case you forgot). And just in time, because while Osama is still dead, GM is headed towards bankruptcy again; and al Queda, well, as I indicated above, it’s becoming revitamized.
(h/t: Doug Ross)
And it’s a good thing we’ve got a new scapegoat. People were starting to feel a little nostalgic about the old one, which is never a good sentiment for your fans to feel towards your scapegoat.
So the only thing we know at this point is whoever wins this election is going to inherit the biggest mess in history. Which is good for Big Guy because he likes to have something to blame stuff on.
Chill, dude, I’ve got this thing in the bag.
Linked By: Blogs4Mitt, and Planet Romney, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!