Wednesday, October 31, 2012

In Memory of Barbara Curtis


roadhome2 H/T Gerard (The Road Home)                                                       Photograph by by Carles –Vilarrasa 

From Barbara’s website:

Heaven has welcomed a beautiful saint and patriot today - our friend, mother of 12, author and blogger, Barbara Curtis.

She was a testimony to God's grace and transforming power. She had a wise, compassionate heart, and had such an amazing impact on so many people she didn't even know. I have no doubt that she is now hearing the words that all of us long to one day hear: "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

Rest in peace, Barbara. You will be greatly missed, and we won't let all your work be in vain. We will keep up the fight. Our prayers are with your husband Tripp and your children as they grieve.


Rachel Bjorklund




The earth is certainly a better place for Barbara having walked it. She was a good friend to MOTUS, having helped me in many ways large and small through the past four years. All of us who considered her a friend, mentor and inspiration will miss her terribly. Rest in Peace, my friend.

Barbara’s friend and neighbor Elizabeth Foss writes of Barbara’s struggle to re-enroll her daughter Maddy in Catholic University for the spring semester because she was not able to raise the necessary funds. Elizabeth has established an account for those who wish and are able to donate to Maddy’s education fund.


barbara curtis

Barbara Curtis, called home October 30, 2012