Monday, January 18, 2010

I Had a Bad Dream: Brown is the New Black

Good news! We finally know what it takes to get Big Guy and Lady M into Church (besides a funeral). Yeah, it’s beginning to look like the apocalypse in Massachusetts. So the O’s figured now was the time for a little divine intervention.

So we bundled off to church, and not just any church. We went to the historic Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. That’s right – the very church that Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at  before his historic “I Have a Dream” speech. He was charismatic, inspirational, soulful and, yes, eloquent. No, not Big Guy, Martin Luther King Jr.

For his part, Big Guy embraced The Reverend Martin Luther King’s legacy, whined about the libs who say he hasn’t done enough and the conservatives who say he’s done way too much, and told the peeps how frustrated he gets when he doesn’t get his own way like he always used to. He covered pretty much everything, although it took him twice as long as the original “I Have a Dream” speech. Here’s a little snippit of the important part of the speech inspirational address:

“Folks ask me sometimes why I look so calm. ... I have a confession to make here. There are times where I'm not so calm. ... There are times when the words that are spoken about me hurt. There are times when the barbs sting. There are times when it feels like all these efforts are for naught, and change is so painfully slow in coming, and I have to confront my own doubts.”

Leave it to BO to bring it back to what matters: him.

church4Big Guy looking right at home preaching from a pulpit 

In his speech inspirational sermon, BO alluded to his “Dream” for universal healthcare which is turning into a nightmare with that idiotic Martha Coakley in MA. Because she’s so inept he had to go there on Lady M’s birthday to tell his fans that she’s better than the dude who drives around in a pick-up.Because she’s not an R- word, or something.

coakley2 Big Guy with the soon to be Croak-ley

The best part of the church appearance was MO’s new beige sleeveless sheath dress worn with our new favorite pearls. Because we all know how hot it can get around Washington this time of year.

church Mo at Sunday’s services at Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. We’re getting back to basics in this time of crisis: Jackie