Friday, April 2, 2010

Getting Back to our Roots

I just found out we won’t be attending Good Friday services today. We, considerately, don’t wish to disrupt the services for the others you know.

Instead, we had a Druid celebration earlier this week, in conjunction with the planting of our our second annual organic Victory garden. You remember when we planted our first Victory over for the American people last year in our fashionable black boob-belted tunic thingy with boots?

rake garden09

This year, for our second annual Victory over for the American people, the weather was a little warmer, so we wore a lighter weight black ensemble. Remind me to tell Lady M next year that black is not the most practical color to wear for playing in the mud:

dirt on leg What do you think of our new Spanx push-up bra? For those few occasions where boob-belts are not appropriate.

And while I’ve seen a lot since I began to serve the American people in the Big White, I’ve got to tell you, this is the first time I’ve witnessed a dance to rhubarb;

rhubarb dancePraise be the Rhubarb!

I guess it’s some kind of multi-cultural Rite of Spring, minus the Stravinsky.

rhubarb dance2The Rhubarb fertility dance

Here’s our Mod Squad of health, marching towards Victory over for the American people: the High Priestess flanked by her manservant Tom Vilsack, and sacrificial lamb Kitty Sebelius:

tom vilsack kathleen sebelius

And while I’m all in favor of everyone having their own organic garden, in this economy I don’t think everyone is going to be able to afford to hire enough illegal aliens to do all that composting, watering and weeding. 2010-04-01-MICHELLEOBAMA



Lady M, wrangling with what looks like a giant centipede. Turns out it’s just a flat of organic rutabaga seedlings.





We’re already planning  next year’s Big White Food TV special. Of course we hope to use our own veggies this time.

peeps show_thumb[3]

Oh, and I know you’re curious about our Keds:


Standard issue, size 13.