Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013. Deliver Us From Evil: Exodus 20-13


tombstone-2-300x199 “He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.” - Matthew 28:6

Happy Easter to the world’s 2.2 billion Christians.

Oh, and Google would like to take this opportunity to wish Cesar Chavez a happy birthday.  He would have been 86 today, which isn’t a particularly significant birthday, even if you aren’t dead.

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Cofounder of the United Farm Workers, Cesar was a community and labor organizer before Big Guy was even born and is best known for doing battle with California grape growers. Since he was Hispanic (although, sadly, not undocumented) and worked for social justice, it’s understandable that the Left considers him a god; hence, Google’s special recognition today. After all, Jesus just changed water into wine and died for our sins; Cesar founded a union and led a successful strike and consumer boycott against grapes.

So I understand if you are offended by Google’s apparent affront to Christianity on this, the holiest day of the Christian calendar. Butt let’s look at this from Google’s point of view: in their mind they were just Rendering unto Cesar the things that are Cesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” - Matthew 22:20

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Big Guy and Big Google Hang Out Together to turnover your information to Big


And speaking of the Messiah, you’ll never guess how Big Guy spent Holy Saturday. Well maybe you will.

Obama’s motorcade took him directly from a golf course at Andrews Air Force Base in suburban Maryland to Washington’s Verizon Center to watch Syracuse and Marquette play for a berth in the Final Four of the NCAA basketball tournament.


Screenshot Studio capture #1011 BO and Reggie enjoying the Syracuse-Marquette game.

Obama_golf“Believest thou this?” John 11:26

Well, don’t let any of this spoil your Easter. After all it is the most joyful feast of Christianity. And the final episode of The Bible is on tonight. If you don’t get the History Channel, I know you have a DVD of The Ten Commandments.

So go crazy with the jelly beans and marshmallow covered bunnies today. There won’t be a one of them tomorrow at our Spring Egg Roll.