Saturday, October 23, 2010

Could it be, Our Fate is Sealed?


I heard somewhere, probably from Dr. Phil, that all narcissists are paranoid, Now mind you, I’m not saying it’s true, or, if it is, whether it carries any import around here.

Butt what I can say – as I tried to tell you last week – Big Guy is definitely paranoid about his official POTUS seal. He’s convinced that he’s being sabotaged by stringers who are setting up the venues for his rock-star performances around the country ahead of the midterms. (We’re so touchy that the union has been ordered to fire anyone wearing t-shirts with the name “Bush” on it. This poor guy got canned for wearing a sweatshirt sporting a picture of the George H. W. Bush Air Force Carrier. Sheeze! That’s 41, not 43! You know, the guy who was president before the first Black president? Besides, I think the guy picked it up for 50 cents at Goodwill because he’d been out of work so long.)

now you don't

Anyway, Big Guy is so fearful of having his symbolic Seal take another unceremonious nosedive into oblivion that unless we are home at the Big White (where crazy glue is no longer optional) we are not taking any chances: there simply will be NO seals on our podium while we’re on the road. Because we can trust no one.

So, as is my habit, I reflect, you do the psycho-babble:

10-22 still no sealLos Angeles, Friday, 10-22. No POTUS seal.

john Kitzhaber but no seal  John Kitzhaber, Oregon (ht/ MOldishL), 10-20. Seal-less.

 looking at me looking back me but no sea orgon conv cntrl 10-20: Looking at me, looking back at me. Still no Seal.

no seal here either California, 10-22. Seal free zone.

 FireShot-  This is where the seal would be, if I could trust any of you.

 FireShot-_1 Las Vegas, yesterday. Big Guy doesn’t even trust Dingy Harry.

Apparently we won’t be seeing our POTUS Seal anywhere outside our own lair for awhile. We’re still comfortable with our internal roadies (because of the crazy glue requirements) for now.

exec order on WH initiative on Educ Excellence for Hispanics Javier Garcia home turf we have a sealso far we trust the big white staffscience fair WH homebase seal

East Room, Oct 19; Rose Garden, Oct 13,  Science Fair, East Room Oct 18

Since I’m in charge of optics for the Team, I thought I’d better propose a solution Big Guy can BELIEVE IN. Here’s something I think will work, on several levels. Since their fates are so intricately entwined, BO trusts MO (so far) with the sacred symbolic seal.


And for her part, Lady M could keep an eye on Big Guy’s drinking, smoking and eating habits while he’s on the campaign trail, and, if need be, confiscate them. There is simply no end to the sacrifices we make for the country.
