Monday, May 31, 2010

Tweet-le D-Day to Tweet-le Dumb

Lady M said it’s been so nice being back home, where we don’t have to put on any Ayers because everyone here already knows who we  are.


But it sure has been noisy around here. Everyone is slamming cupboards and I’ve even seen a couple of flying saucers. Just a little dispute over when, exactly, we’re heading back to the Big White

Apparently there was some kind of major communication breakdown between Big Guy and Toes regarding attendance at the traditional Arlington Cemetery Memorial Day service. I just happened to catch the reflection of a tweet that came in from Toes in Jerusalem late last night. Here’s what it said, and pardon my French - but I think you all know how Toes is: “WTF! What are you still doing in Chi-town? get yur ass back to DC for the Arlington gig u giant FU.” I’m sure that sounds harsher in 140 characters than Rhambo meant it.

So then, Big Guy – who’s had a very tough week, did I mention that? - tweets back: “Chill, dude – I’m hitting a wreath ceremony at Abraham Lincoln cemetery right here. Same, same.” 

Big Guy tried to pretend he didn’t get a response to that one from Toes, but my reflector drive had already peeked captured its image bouncing off Big Guy’s Blackberry.  “ get your dumb ass back NOW you dick-head, You're president of the f---ing US, not mayor of f---g Chicago!” Amazingly, he got his message across with dozens of characters to spare.

Odds are good BO tells Toes he never got his tweet. That won’t be pleasant, but Lady M’s not ready to go back just yet and it will be easier than dealing with her.

Did I mention Big Guy’s had a really, really tough week? I think it’s the toughest in the entire history of the world. “Let's face it: this has been the toughest year and a half since any year and a half since the 1930s.”

Somehow I don’t think it’s going to be any better next week.

rahmbo Just f---ing shoot me now!